Enter the 8-character DCP address assigned to the platform that will be used when querying for messages.

The start and end dates specify a range of time used by the Field Test when querying for messages from the platform. Click the start or end date textbox and select the desired date from the datepicker calander. The entire 30-day set of DCS message data retained by DADDS may be queried.

Determines the look-back period in hours used when querying for messages from the current day, and is only used when the start and end dates are set to the current day. The default field test query has a look-back period of 1 hour to search for messages received in the previous hour.

Use of the DCS Field Test now required a valid DCS website account. If you do not have an account you must register to continue using this feature. Refer to the notice at the top of the page for information on obtaining an account.

  Notice to Users

As of November 1st, 2021 use of the DCS Field Test requires an active DCS website account. Users who do not have an account must register for continued access. Accounts for users who are not affiliated with an active DCS Group will be restricted to field test use only. To request a field test account, simply double click anywhere within the notice area and complete the DCS account registration form.

  Automation Notice

A recent update of the DCS website included changes to the DCS Field Test to restrict access to users with a DCS website account. Access to the field test now requires that login credentials be submitted along with query parameters, and will authenticate a user before executing a field test query. Because login credentials for a DCS website account are now requried, requests from automated systems began to fail, and continued to do-so until the necessary changes were made to the automated scripts. While some systems handled the failures in an acceptable manner, others responded by increasing the frequency of the field test query requests, which resulted in denial of service conditions and website outages. When failed requests are handled correctly, automated systems can continue request attempts and not cause website outages triggered by denial of service conditions. The field test and automation help document contains examples, potential pitfalls and best practices to help users create robust automated systems.

Addr Chan Baud Sig Phs Qual Freq Car End ARM SID Type Len Data